Science, Philosophy and Religion attest to the fact that there is a realm called the Spirit or Unseen realm. They may have a name for it, but truth is, the physical realm and spirit realm are all interwoven.
Since man is spirit, soul and body, then there will be a need to interact with the unseen realm. For this to happen, there need be a portal through which man can access the unseen realm.
What is a Portal?
A portal is an entrance, a vortex, or means of entry into a sphere, place or ecosystem. Every human present on earth, came through the womb and birth canal of a woman. Also, to access the spirit realm one needs to go through the womb of the Spirit.
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
John 3:5 [KJV].
Jesus in John 3:5 says, \”for anyone to enter into the kingdom of Heaven, he has to be born of the water and Spirit.\”
It happens that, the only way given to man to access the spirit realm is prayer. Whatever anyone does to access the spirit realm is called prayer. Hence, Jesus in Luke 18:1 said, \”Man ( Homo Sapiens) ought (is under obligation) always, to pray (for that\’s the way he was designed, he was designed in a way that he will need to contact the spirit realm else all he\’ll experience is fainting.\” (Emphasis mine).
And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.
Luke 18:1 [KJV].
What Then is Prayer?
- It\’s interacting with the spirit realm. It is an access point or gateway into the spirit realm.
- Prayer is a system of authorization in the realm of the spirit. That is, it is giving a spirit ( in this case God) a legal ground to work in your sphere, life, situation or the physical realm.
What Makes Prayer Effective?
- When done from a broken heart
- When done from a yielded soul
- When done by / in faith
- When done in the Spirit
How To Create and Sustain Alignment
Among a pool of others, some are:
- Be born Again. Go to God for sanctification and purification
- Ask Jesus to have mercy on you, cleanse and sanctify your heart, spirit, soul and body.
- Tell Jesus to help you maintain alignment of spirit , soul and body.
- Ask God to check your heart by His spirit and cleanse it from everything that is not in alignment with him.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to help you daily.
Guidelines to Securing a Portal
- Alignment: To form in line, to fall into line or to be in accordance to. For you to be aligned, Among others you need the following; Salvation, Repentance, Sanctification, Consecration, Obedience and Fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
- Understanding and Using the Name of Jesus. Jesus is the way to God. The name of Jesus in the mouth of a righteous person guarantees open heaven.
- Engaging the blood of Jesus.
Blood: The life of Jesus is in his blood. Its the most potent force in the 3realms ( Heaven, earth, world beneath). It grants you access into the courts of heaven. When used appropriately with biblical understanding it destroys every barrier and every covering cast.
For a region or locality:
You must by prayer, know the mystery, legal spiritual laws, edicts, the ancient gates and doors and spirit that run that locality etc, before going to do any business. Then you bring repentance to that locality
For a family:
Confess all known and unknown iniquity, sin and transgression, renounce all covenants and oath, legal grounds etc, bring repentance for that family. All by the blood of Jesus.
- Engaging the mystery of spiritual songs, chants or sound.
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord
Ephesians 5:19 [KJV]
The good news is, you can open a portal for healing, your business, family etc. This article hands unto you the weapon, all you need do is put it to action and as you do, you\’ll get results in Jesus name.
God bless you.
Jesus is Lord.
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